So I messed up breakfast. Sort of. My crepes (the aforementioned not measuring thing kind of bit me in the ass) were not the right consistency (which is weird, because they seemed fine when I was mixing them) and they did not survive the flip. So I didn't get to fold my tasty ingredients: tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and fresh basil. into the crepe. I turned it into a little crepe napoleon, layering the goodies instead of stuffing them. Then, I topped it with an egg, and devoured it. Of course my little naming of the crepe dish resulted in yet another googling experience, so here are some other napoleons for your reading pleasure:
Salmon and Cream Cheese Crepe Napoleon
A Creperie Called Napoleon
Eggplant Napoleon
Wiki Wild at Waterloo-A History Lesson
Tots Napoleon
So it may not have looked perfect, but once I topped the layered mess of stuff with an egg and garnished it with a basil chiffonade, it looked more than edible. I was mostly happy with my meal, but the fresh roma tomato kind of took over the flavor, and if I were to do it again, I'd use sun-dried tomatoes, for a little sweeter combination. Which leads me to my favorite grocery shopping tip: When buying sun-dried tomatoes, or other slightly pricey ingredients that you don't need a lot of, check your local grocery store for a salad bar (Dominick's has a great one). At 4.99/lb, it's a GREAT deal.
Side note: I'm a big fan of saving money-coupons, groupons, and freebies are the wave of my shopping experiences. Speaking of which, my birthday is coming up fast, and my e-mail inbox is SWARMING with freebies-meals, coupons, appetizers, desserts, movies, parties, and more! So when your server asks if you want to fill out that little card with your e-mail address, DO IT. You'll thank me later.
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