I've been a writer my whole life. My mom brags about this poem I wrote about the color Red in the first grade. But it's true. I love to write. I always have. I've had several blogs, many of which never stuck. This one is definitely my favorite because I get to write about food, and breakfast in particular.
I've been on and off Weight Watchers since I was 14 years old. I lost over 40 lbs when I was a junior in college. I'm going to do it again, and this year it's going to stick. I will be documenting my journey through breakfast, but will be happy to share more as time goes on.
In August of 2011, I got my first official writing job, as a copywriter. In September of 2012, I start a new chapter of my writing career as a Web Content Manager/Copywriter.
I manage my personal website, Quirky Chrissy, in which I'm documenting my memories and stories throughout the course of the last year of my twenties. I love to write, so please enjoy my blogs. Comment. Share. Make this a community.