I'm telling you, I refuse to give up decadent breakfast.
Happy New Year!
So I made the bf and I a New Year's Day feast for "brunch." I started by cooking up some Corn King Bacon (My fave!) I made several pieces nice and crisp to crumble into the omelet. Now you may be thinking that bacon and Weight Watchers don't really fly well together, but alas! They can mingle. With the Weight Watchers plan, you can eat anything you want within reason, with the right portion size, and as long as you count it! Bacon happens to run 1-2 points per slice, depending on the thickness. Since I was using the Corn King Thick variety, mine were 2 Weight Watchers points per slice. So I had 1 slice outside of the omelet, and a half slice inside the omelet. Ok, Ok, I'll give you the recipe now.
Weight Watchers Omelet Lorraine
- 3 egg whites
- 2/3 oz Amish Baby Swiss (or any other Swiss cheese of your choosing)
- 2/3 oz Brie
- 1/2 slice extra thick bacon crumbled
- 1 small apple sliced
Then, I poured the egg white into a hot pan, sprayed with PAM (on MEDIUM heat--no more, no less). I let the eggs cook to near the top, then I flipped the egg round over.
I laid the cheese onto half of the egg round, and sprinkled the bacon bits over the cheese. Finally, fold the omelet over and slide onto a plate.
Of course, my need to garnish everything left me with an idea...garnish with cheese! I laid a very thin slice of brie along the top of the omelet, added a piece of bacon, and served the omelet with the apple slices. Overall, a successful, tasty, and only 8 Weight Watchers points breakfast.
I'll keep y'all posted on my Weight Watchers journey, as this time it's really going to work. Fat kid no more! I'm gonna be so skinny when I grow up.
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